Sunday, January 29, 2012

cám ơn (thank you)

This is my last evening in Vietnam.

woman shucking oysters in market
In case you're wondering, it is still misty and raining.  I don't think I've seen the sun in over ten days.  Never thought I'd miss it, since I enjoy the San Francisco fog.  But onward to Siem Reap tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll get more sun than I care for.

Returning to Hanoi today, we were welcomed with opened stores!  It is the sixth day of the New Year, and even though the festivities are far from over, many people have returned to work, which means worse traffic and pollution.  We were spoiled by the fresh sea air the last couple of days, and returning to a city with countless motorcycles and cars reminded me both the pros and cons of the fabulous and exciting city life.

I took the opportunity to check out some art galleries this afternoon, and I was lucky to find one featuring a great local photographer named Do Anh Tuan.  A chat with the sales receptionist revealed that Mr. Do has been photographing professionally for over 30 years, and he still does so with film, printing each work by hand.  Looking at his photographs was a lesson in Vietnamese history, to see its culture and traditions.  I couldn't help but think that people from any culture at any time have the same desires and goals, and the more developed the country, the more expensive these same goals - food, shelter, progeny.  For some, power and money are particularly important, although I don't understand the reason to make the ridiculous sums of money that some people strive.  It really is true that the more one has, the more one wants.  These photographs reminded the basic needs of human beings, and I hope to portray them always in my creative work.

I will visit tomorrow an even poorer country whose rich culture and magnificent ruins are being ruined by tourists such as myself.

When I leave Angkor Wat after four days, I hope to take away a new appreciation for life and art without leaving behind any trace of myself.

Hoan Kiem Lake

who needs a drive-thru when you can drive-by

chicken, anyone?
vietnamese french dinner at green tangerine

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