Monday, January 30, 2012

will the next king buddha please stand up

From Angkor Wat we move to Angkor Thom, meaning great city.

Legend has it that Angkor Thom was built by king Jayavarman VII, known as the king buddha for exercising compassion in his ruling.  He was a devout Buddhist and, unlike his predecessors, permitted the practice of both Buddhism and Hinduism.  Hence, the images at Angkor Thom represent both religions. 

The most impressive images at this complex are the giant faces of Buddha facing all directions.  Their smiling faces triggered a sense of peace and kindness, which I truly hope were feelings shared by all who visit.

After lamenting previously the dearth in history of compassionate and open-minded rulers, it was a great relief to hear about Jayavarman VII.

Where in the world is another king buddha?

queue of tuk tuks waiting to enter

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